Thursday 4 November 2010

The Best and the Worst of Online News Sites

Online news has become big quite recently. It always used to be about picking up that free London Paper or the London Lite. Or if you were very classy, you’d pay a bit for your high quality Guardian. However, now you’ve just got the free Evening Standard, which in my opinion is better than the Lite and the London Paper put together. However, now, lots of people that used to go and buy the classy Guardian or the Times have started to only use online news sites. With the Times recently opening a new online feature that gives exclusive access to interviews, film previews and a London planner, who knows how long actual paper newspapers will still exist? If they all do stop running, what online news site is for you? That’s what I’m here to tell you.

The Worst:

2. The rumour papers:
The Daily mail, The Sun, and The Daily Mirror

I’m not going to lie, during the summer football transfer period; these are the newspapers I will turn to for a bit of amusement and back room gossip. However, I won’t turn a page in these newspapers looking for good solid news. Its written by a bunch of idiots. Anyway what were actually talking about are the online news sites. And the online news for all three are pretty shocking. All three are just covered in adverts everywhere. Its all you see when you first go to the pages. The fonts are dire, and the layout is plain awful. The first article I saw on the page of the mail, had the worst headline and photo I had ever seen. The headline read “£100 billion cost of broken homes: Tory Minister declares children whose parents split are NINE times more likely to commit crime.”  Not only is it long, it’s boring. What’s wrong with “Children more likely to turn to crime if parents are split.” Then in the article you can mention the Tory minister and the actual figures. Plus the photo was even worse its just a completely staged photo of a police man arresting a teenager. 

1.    Sky News

Although Sky is the most used TV company in the world, they still can’t make a decent online news site. It’s very ugly and bleak as soon as you go on. However the news is a couple levels up from the Mail and the Sun. However visually it’s just not amazing. I would turn to Sky news if I wanted to just get the lowdown on the latest news. However I wouldn’t turn to it if I wanted a visually appealing online news site. I think they should revamp the colours and get rid of so much black. It just looks dull. They’re edging on becoming like the mail, mirror and the sun. Rupert Murdoch needs to watch out.

The Best:

3.    The Times Online

The Times online news website has a great simple clean and traditional interface. Although one thing I dislike about this is that it looks a bit too much like their normal traditional paper. An added bonus is the launch of their new feature Times +, it costs £1 for 30 days before the cost rises. It will give you many added bonuses including exclusive interviews and up to date London listings. The Times however is a very right wing paper. Although of course it isn’t racist, it’s views are opposed to those of the guardian, which is why I have to rank it 3rd. Rupert Murdoch, who also owns Sky, owns the Times. I think he needs to teach Sky News how to design websites. 

2.    BBC News Online

Along with Sky News, BBC is a news source that runs only online. I love BBC, if I’m looking for some straight simple non-opinionated news, some sport news, some sports rumours or just the latest headlines its where I’ll head. I know that there facts will be right, they will always be up to date, and there website is easy to use. BBC news is the best place to head for simple world news stories. One plus of BBC news that is unlike all the rest is that you can select news by country, or area of the world. I find this very helpful if I’m looking for the latest news in a certain place, and also when working on projects. BBC news online is also very well designed. There’s clearly been time and thought put into it, and its just so easy to navigate. The layout and dominance of things is also great. 

1.    The Guardian Online

The Guardian online is a classy, simplistic website. However it’s quite colourful and upbeat, which is one of the things I like about it. What’s also very cool is how many different sections it has; it has the news from all around the world and all the different types of news, but it also has sections like Travel, TV, Community, Blogs and even Jobs. It’s the only news site that I know that has a jobs section. The layout of the Guardian online is also very slick. There is a main editorial like piece or main story then to the left two important stories. It also has scrolling breaking news above the main stories. One of my favourite things about the guardian is how they write about so many different things than other newspapers. They always get inside a story and dig deeper, they always get exclusives and they always show a different side than any other paper. Ultimately, if paper newspapers end, the Guardian and the BBC is what I’m going to turn to for my daily news. 

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