Thursday 16 December 2010


The Light Touch, from a company called Light Blue Optics, is a brand new, genius idea. It "instantly turns any surface into a touch screen." Basically what it is, is an interactive projector. It projects the image you want and you can then use it like a touchscreen computer or tablet. The company has recently saved up $13 million just for the applications for the device, and WIFI access is incorporated in the device, meaning you can check your Facebook or Twitter while your doing the dishes. The Light Touch can be used in offices, restaurants, clothes shops, and more. It has HPL technology, also known as Holographic Laser Protection, which brings the sharpest video and picture WVGA quality. The device projects a 10.1" touchscreen, the same size as Apple's iPad screen.

The Light Touch has runs on Windows CE, and comes with Adobe Flash LITE installed, meaning videos and games are easy to play on the device. The projector has a 2gb installed memory, however you can add up to 32gb with a Micro SD card. The projector weighs approximately 400 grams.

The company, Light Blue Optics also have created the Light Speed and the Light Work, which are two more very interesting devices/gadgets:

The Light Speed, is a nifty little device, it uses the same HLP software as the Light Touch, however it is used to help drivers. It basically projects how fast you are going onto your window. The average drivers takes almost 1 second to look down at their speedometer, so this device could help you save that crucial second to avoid a crash. The Light Speed projects speed, road warnings, and GPS information approximately 2.5 metres away from the driver, so the information appears to be floating on the road, so not to distract the driver.

The Light Work is a projector similar to the touch, minus the touch capabilities, helpful to business's and big companies. The projector uses the same technology as both the Touch and Speed projectors, with its HLP that displays WVGA photos. There is one key selling point with the Work, that makes is superior to all other projectors, it can clearly project onto curved walls.

In all honesty, I think that the only real projector of the three that is new and very impressive is the Light Touch. I almost couldn't believe my eyes when I first saw it. When it is commercially released, it could bring an entirely new concept and side to technology. It could be used all over the world, every where you see. Forget the iPad, the Kindle, the Playbook, the Light Touch is the way to go.

Although the Light Work and Light Speed are very nifty pieces of work, and I think they both offer a whole new side for what they are, and to their competition. However I think although the Light Speed is meant to help safety, I think it could do the opposite, if I was driving with projections in front of me I would probably get quite distracted. I think the Light Work is very intelligent with its ability to project on to curved walls, however that's the only thing that really makes it better than its competition.

However don't get me wrong, all three are incredible devices, but the Light Touch just really stands out in many, many ways and I think that's why it received CES Innovations Honoree in two categories, Media Player and Personal Electronics.

Tuesday 14 December 2010

Orange Ipad Deal! Only £199.00! Can this be real!?

My mum recently came home gloating about how she had found such an amazing deal. "An iPad for only £199! Its amazing, Sid (my brother) shall we get it for Christmas as a family present, I mean I think theres some contract but its such a good deal?" "No mum theres obviously a catch." responded my brother and I, and what do you know? There was. You have to pay £25.00 a month for 24 months and £28.00 a month for 24 months if you are a new customer.  You do get 1gb of any time internet and unlimited bt openzone, however is it really a good deal? I went to investigate.

If you chose oranges £199 up front deal, and are an orange customer, after 24 months you end up paying £799 for an iPad, and if your not an orange customer, you end up paying £871. I would not call this a good deal. However, as I think most will agree, the benifit from this deal is that payment is a lot more gradual, but an extra £200 just for gradual payments, EERRRRRR, not so sure. Check Orange iPad Deal! iPad for only £199.00!  for more details  

There were a couple of BETTER deals I found for 3g internet surfing on the iPad. Even Orange themselves offer two alternative plans if you buy the iPad for full price (lowest around £429.00 for the 16gb model.) First they offer 1gb of 3g internet for a month for £7.50. 3 also offer the same deal.

The 3 network offers very many rather complex offers for iPad 3g internet, they can offer you the 1gb for £7.50 a month, or 1gb + the top up option for £10 a month. The prices then go up according to the gb allowance you want, and if you want the top up option.

The Vodafone network decided to keep it simple an just offer 1gb for £10.00, 3gb for £15.00, and 5gb for £25.00 a month

 There is also one more option that caught my eye, its not a very publicized option and I think I know why. The 'pay for what you use' service is what Orange calls it, and it seems like the best deal for users wanting 3g internet for their iPads. You basically pay 5p per megabyte and the max you can pay is £40.00 a month. From research, I found that even only a megabyte of surfing will get you around 20 minutes, using the simplest pages, using emails with attachments, a single megabyte will allow you to send around 3 emails. I think this is really the best deal for those who have an iPad, but do not use it as their only computer-like device. I think this would also be the best option for a family like mine, who want to buy an iPad, but will not use it all the time outside of the house for business.

Friday 3 December 2010

The E-book reader from Barnes and Noble

Before Monday I hadn't heard of Barnes and Noble, the American book shop, I was told about it by my math teacher while doing a math exercise, where we got paired together using the two names of companies, I was Noble, and another math student was Barnes. I had no idea what this was, but I soon found out. Anyway, now, I've just been checking out e-book readers online, and I've found the biggest competitor to the Amazon kindle and the Apple iPad, the Nook Barnes and Noble Ebook reader, which can come with Wifi and 3g. I think its a pretty nifty device, and in a lot of ways, I prefer it to the Kindle, however it does have a slightly more expensive price tag. The Nook is available in black and white, and also a colour version. I think that its just a little more advanced version of the kindle. There are somethings that I love about this little device and some things that aren't much different than the other devices. 

First off I like the way that you can get this device in colour or in black and white. This gives the buyer and the reader a choice to what they prefer, and how much they want to spend. One fun aspect to this ebook device is that you can share the books that your reading with your Facebook friends. Another cool thing with this device is that you can read your own PDF's and Microsoft documents on it. You can also add music to it, so that you can read in style. Finally, if you go into a Barnes and Noble store you can get exclusive content from the store.

Now onto what I dislike, theres only a couple things, the main one being the cost and the other thing being that its not available in the UK!

Thursday 25 November 2010

iPod Touch Alternatives

I've recently been looking for a good video and music device, that has a nice touchscreen and some cool apps, but doesn't cost the hefty £200+ an iPod touch does. It has been hard to find any good alternatives however I have found a couple of good cheaper alternatives, and some rather more expensive alternatives, that I wouldn't pick over the iPod touch 4.

+ Expensive and not worth it:

The Cowon S9

In my opinion its quite an ugly touch device, with pretty much the same functions as the iPod touch. Its got a curvy design and an ugly black back finish, which doesn't appeal, in any form. For an 8GB model it would cost you around £160-220. You can get the last iPod touch, the 3rd generation, for £150 from Argos. I really don't see the point in spending more money on something that's not from a reliable company like Apple, and doesn't have any added extras.

- Expensive but no where near as worth it:

The Sony X-Series Walkman

I'm sure everyone knows Sony, and I admit they produce some of the best phones. However when it comes to music players and fun devices, I think there still stuck in the 90's. It used to be the thing to walk around with your big walkman, but its not know, and Sony still haven't updated their products. I wouldn't pay £140 for this X-Series Walkman, because I could just as well fork out an extra £60 for the iPod Touch 4. It has pretty much all the functions, but it lacks the Apps, which I would pay an extra £100 for.

Same price and worth it:

The Zune HD

The Zune HD is just a classier version of an iPod touch. Its quite a beautiful gem in all honesty. On the degree of functions is pretty much the exact same as the iPod touch, however in looks and style its a notch above. The Zune HD also comes with FM Radio, which I love. For the same price as the iPod touch 4 8gb (£200), you can get the Zune HD, with all the same functions, and 16gb of space. If I wanted to spend £200, I would chose this as my iPod touch alternative.

- Expensive and very much worth it:

The Archos 28, 32, 43, 5 or 7

These devices are all touch screen pieces of class. First lets talk about the Archos 28, which you can get for under £100. It has music, video, and its an Android run internet tablet, with apps. Its a pretty nifty little piece of equipment for what it costs. You can move up in size, and the Archos 28, has a relatively small 2.8 inch screen. So if you want a 3.2 inch screen (the closest to a iPod touch which is 3.5 inches), add another £15. If you want a 4.3 inch screen its £180 with a 16gb hard drive. The Archos 5 which has a rather big 5 inch touch screen, will set you back just over £200 for a 500gb hard drive, yes thats right, 500gb. You can even get a whopping 7 inch Archos home tablet, for £130, however it lacks many features like 3D games and other key elements. The Archos 7 inch internet tablet costs around £230-260. These are all pretty remarkable devices, depending on what kind of thing you want, they are all deals. I think for what they cost, you get a lot more than you expect, I see them as the next best thing to the iPod touch, and although theres not facetime on most of the Archos devices, if you move up to the Archos 10, you get calling, which is pretty cool.

The Archos 28

The Archos 32

The Archos 43 next to an iPod Touch 4
The Archos 5 on Google

The Archos 7 Home Tablet, which lacks some features, like 3D games and a Flash Player
The Archos 7 Internet Tablet

The Archos 10 Internet Tablet

I think if I'm looking for a cheaper alternative to the iPod touch, I'm going to head over to Archos.

Tuesday 23 November 2010

iPhone 4 Key Security Flaw

A recent flaw has been discovered in Apple's latest iPhone 4. The flaw can give you access to a code protected iPhone, to use any function you want. Anyone who loses or gets their iPhone 4 stolen is at risk of having their security completely breached. To complete this little trick, you slide to unlock on the iPhone, then hit emergency call. Then on the emergency call screen you double tap the home button, which will take you directly to the home screen. (I just tested it on my friends iPhone, and although hard to complete, after a while with the correct technique it worked.) There is also another method to gain access to the entire iPhone phone application. To complete this you must go to emergency call on a locked iPhone, then key in ### then press the green call and immediately press the lock button on the top of the iPhone. This is verified by watching this video.

Although I am not suggesting that everyone should try this, I am trying to say that this is a major flaw in the iPhone's security. When people think iPhone, they think a safe, cool, smartphone. This issue could condemn the iPhone, lead to huge uproar within Apple, and serious customer concerns.

Although Apple claims in the latest update, it has been taken away, the person whos iPhone I tried it on, was on the latest firmwire.

Check out this BBC video for more on the matter:

Sunday 14 November 2010

Whats wrong with a good old normal classic phone?

Hello Blogger,
Its Sunday afternoon here, and I've just returned from Argos with a new phone. I've been struggling for a while recently after selling my iPhone, to find a good durable nice phone. I've been borrowing my brothers Sony Ericsson for a while now and overall its great, with music player and loads of other little extras, but I hate texting on it as it takes years without the qwerty keyboard. So I spent some time researching to find a cheap simple phone, that has a good qwery keyboard. And I discovered the perfect answer, Alcatel and Vodafone have come up with great phones, that are cheap, effective, and have a qwerty keyboard. Alcatel came up with the OT-255, a simple little phone, with a nice blue colour, and a sweet qwerty keyboard. Yes, I admit, it lacks many functions, like Facebook or a huge 10mp camera. But it's great for what it is, A PHONE. Plus its only £20.

The other option, which is the phone I got, is the Vodafone VF345. Its a nice little neat phone, with a good black shell, simple functions, and its even got a qwerty keyboard. And guess how much it cost? £10. Yes that's right, a phone with FM radio, calling (WOOOWW!) AND a qwerty keyboard for £10. Thats a deal.

If I'm honest, its just a temporary phone until my mum up grades and I receive her Blackberry. But even if I wasn't getting her Blackberry, I still wouldn't waste money on an expensive phone. You take something like the Samsung Genio Touch. Its a good phone, with cool widgets and what not, but it lacks that essential thing for me, a qwerty keyboard. Even a touchscreen qwerty keyboard. And it costs around £80. I just don't see the point.

I loved the days when people would walk around with there crappy little Nokia's.

There phones, thats it. If you want a social networking device, or internet access, get a laptop. I think with phones, its all about the look, if they look good, if they are cool, not if they are a good reliable phone. I do admit, however, I'm stilling looking forward to that Blackberry.

Thursday 4 November 2010

The Best and the Worst of Online News Sites

Online news has become big quite recently. It always used to be about picking up that free London Paper or the London Lite. Or if you were very classy, you’d pay a bit for your high quality Guardian. However, now you’ve just got the free Evening Standard, which in my opinion is better than the Lite and the London Paper put together. However, now, lots of people that used to go and buy the classy Guardian or the Times have started to only use online news sites. With the Times recently opening a new online feature that gives exclusive access to interviews, film previews and a London planner, who knows how long actual paper newspapers will still exist? If they all do stop running, what online news site is for you? That’s what I’m here to tell you.

The Worst:

2. The rumour papers:
The Daily mail, The Sun, and The Daily Mirror

I’m not going to lie, during the summer football transfer period; these are the newspapers I will turn to for a bit of amusement and back room gossip. However, I won’t turn a page in these newspapers looking for good solid news. Its written by a bunch of idiots. Anyway what were actually talking about are the online news sites. And the online news for all three are pretty shocking. All three are just covered in adverts everywhere. Its all you see when you first go to the pages. The fonts are dire, and the layout is plain awful. The first article I saw on the page of the mail, had the worst headline and photo I had ever seen. The headline read “£100 billion cost of broken homes: Tory Minister declares children whose parents split are NINE times more likely to commit crime.”  Not only is it long, it’s boring. What’s wrong with “Children more likely to turn to crime if parents are split.” Then in the article you can mention the Tory minister and the actual figures. Plus the photo was even worse its just a completely staged photo of a police man arresting a teenager. 

1.    Sky News

Although Sky is the most used TV company in the world, they still can’t make a decent online news site. It’s very ugly and bleak as soon as you go on. However the news is a couple levels up from the Mail and the Sun. However visually it’s just not amazing. I would turn to Sky news if I wanted to just get the lowdown on the latest news. However I wouldn’t turn to it if I wanted a visually appealing online news site. I think they should revamp the colours and get rid of so much black. It just looks dull. They’re edging on becoming like the mail, mirror and the sun. Rupert Murdoch needs to watch out.

The Best:

3.    The Times Online

The Times online news website has a great simple clean and traditional interface. Although one thing I dislike about this is that it looks a bit too much like their normal traditional paper. An added bonus is the launch of their new feature Times +, it costs £1 for 30 days before the cost rises. It will give you many added bonuses including exclusive interviews and up to date London listings. The Times however is a very right wing paper. Although of course it isn’t racist, it’s views are opposed to those of the guardian, which is why I have to rank it 3rd. Rupert Murdoch, who also owns Sky, owns the Times. I think he needs to teach Sky News how to design websites. 

2.    BBC News Online

Along with Sky News, BBC is a news source that runs only online. I love BBC, if I’m looking for some straight simple non-opinionated news, some sport news, some sports rumours or just the latest headlines its where I’ll head. I know that there facts will be right, they will always be up to date, and there website is easy to use. BBC news is the best place to head for simple world news stories. One plus of BBC news that is unlike all the rest is that you can select news by country, or area of the world. I find this very helpful if I’m looking for the latest news in a certain place, and also when working on projects. BBC news online is also very well designed. There’s clearly been time and thought put into it, and its just so easy to navigate. The layout and dominance of things is also great. 

1.    The Guardian Online

The Guardian online is a classy, simplistic website. However it’s quite colourful and upbeat, which is one of the things I like about it. What’s also very cool is how many different sections it has; it has the news from all around the world and all the different types of news, but it also has sections like Travel, TV, Community, Blogs and even Jobs. It’s the only news site that I know that has a jobs section. The layout of the Guardian online is also very slick. There is a main editorial like piece or main story then to the left two important stories. It also has scrolling breaking news above the main stories. One of my favourite things about the guardian is how they write about so many different things than other newspapers. They always get inside a story and dig deeper, they always get exclusives and they always show a different side than any other paper. Ultimately, if paper newspapers end, the Guardian and the BBC is what I’m going to turn to for my daily news.